I'm not sure why but with the winter break coming, the inner workings of the machinery that I happen to be seems to be no longer functioning as they are set to do and time and schedules have been odd. I've eaten perhaps three days worth of food in one sitting because I was bored and time felt as thought it was passed strange and also I didn't really care. I ate a bowl of cereal dry. I haven't had cereal in a year perhaps.
I've never partook but the Christmas party Mom attended has an event in which, like hot potato, they stand in a circle and pass around parcels until the song comes to an end. It seems annual. The last year we brought home chocolate covered raisins that I ate all of in perhaps three days and made note to myself to buy more, but a year has passed and I suppose I just didn't come around to it. I really should.
I remember a girl. "It's Christmas Eve and I'm all alone! Won't a dashing hero rescue me from my loneliness?" the princess sang from her tower.
But it's been long since then.
My mom brought home this year a large box and at the dining table we unwrapped it. It's cute!
Winter is perfect for some nabe. I'm always partial to lotus and then octopus, they're such nice textures.