[11/23/24] in praise of shadows

It has now entered winter. The cold is biting. The trees have not yet died, instead they are radiating with their most brilliant red as of yet.

Another recent update, is my increased sensitivity to light. Yesterday was considerably sunny for a winter day. Yet with the sunshine beaming into my eyes, everything looked white. The most I can manage sometimes is a dim room with only lamplight.

It's blinding now. Doubly so, in a lit room, in front the computer screen.

How awful can the migraine be that I sometimes think about lying on the carpet with my backhand on my damp forehead, wasting away my August evening?

I've always been so sensitive to sound too. I'd jump to things such as greetings. Needless to say, I was considered rude for this.

A reaction of the sort to music though, that's a first. I yelped today listening to Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker. There was a sudden noise. And yet I fared fine with Stravinsky. I guess with him, it's expected.

The Rite of Spring, huh?


