articles are prefaced with some story from the authors' life. and thus, for my incredibly momentous ranking of pens i have used throughout the brief amount of life i have had, i will begin with my origin story.
"let's kill two birds with one stone" she said. "you've been talking about buying a new pen and i've been needing new stationary." and so i asked if she really did know what a fountain pen was; told her to look it up. and then we went.
"i'm sure it's here." and it wasn't. "i'm sorry, are you upset?" (i was mildly cross, yeah.) "how did you expect me to know what a fountain pen was?"
"didn't you look it up?"
"maybe i didn't look properly. okay. i'm not smart like you." i had now entered the zone of 'upset'.
we return home and my little sister announces to the house, "WE KILLED ONLY ONE BIRD. THERE WAS THREE OTHER BIRDS. HE DIDN'T LIKE THEM." and when that lead to some confusion she followed it up with, "WE WENT TO THREE STATIONARY STORES. IT'S NOT MY FAULT HE'S SO CHOOSY WITH HIS PENS."
i had now entered the zone of 'absolutely furious'.
the preface is probably thrice the length of the actual thing it happens to be introducing, thus it seems i am doing this preface shit right! now we shall advance to the ranking.
1) fountain pens.
2) manga pens for all they have done for me personally. you may not be my love, but you are my guardian angels.
3) calligraphy pens (although some fountain pens happen to be calligraphy pens as well, but i am going off what i believe of the brush-like types)
4) multi pens for being ballpoint pens but a little more efficient.
5) ballpoint pens. clumsy in my hand. horrible feel.
and to conclude, i propose a ballpoint pen hate club. we will have the best sandwiches and tea. ah, but it will a very selective club.... quite secret too... i shouldn't be speaking of it, actually...