I did reflect further on what I said in the last entry. And I'm not writing it down anymore because that's something I'm keeping to myself.
I’ve never been told how odd it was to be the first person in the dim classroom on the first day of a new semester. And there’s a new student. I wonder how isolating it must be to transfer on the last day of the new semester.
I have a headache and this sucks. But the time it passes anyhow. I knew it all too well that the time it passes regardless of your methods. Had been pacing the room practicing the manner in which I came across. Smart aleck, well I shouldn't lean too far into that, I'll just seem haughty. And nervousness, well, no one wants a neurotic little bundle of a human so at the very least disguise that. Like this, I began speaking to myself. My mom said to me it’s scary. Of course it's scary! It’s creepy! And when I come across delirious she tells me to just go sleep.
I have such a small tolerance for food despite that I want to eat, so I am sleeping now to then quickly reach the morning. Then I can actually have breakfast.