So what I’ve done is I believe I left at about 10:45 or so, after the second period. Perhaps I shouldn’t lie immediately after eating. I returned before eleven and found no one in the house, and lay on the carpet and took then a scalding show and made a wash of my hair and lay on the carpet again when I had done with that, then I decided to lie instead in bed, so that I did. The room of my mother and sister’s is much warmer than mine and has a nice sepia tinge.
I can't manage, at times, with noise and lights and I don't particularly wish to attend school tomorrow. My head hurts. It was hurting. I woke late today and I'm tired and I want to lie in bed. I heated some rice and kimchi for lunch. All that wet hacking and coughing— where are the manners! Wear your masks! Wear your masks proper, don’t touch my skin. If you'll be coughing and hacking then don’t come. Don't come. Go home.
So that's my story of why now, why I've been for the past two hours lying here. I had a headache from all the noise and got scared, went up to the teacher and said, “It’s noisy and I’m scared,” like a preschooler throwing some tantrum. Two hours, well, subtract that I had showered and ate a ludicrous amount of cherry tomatoes, and kimchi with rice.